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Vardenafil is also known by the brand name Levitra. It’s a prescription medication that treats faster and better male erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction is when a man is unable to get or sustain an erection. It usually happens because the arteries that carry the blood to the penis are too narrow.

With the introduction of many erectile dysfunction treatment drugs in the last decade, the majority of people suffering from this problem have almost got a new lease of life. Earlier, because of a lack of availability of effective impotence treatment, most men had no option but to live with this condition for years. However, oral treatment drugs like Levitra have made the treatment both easy and effective.

Generic Vardenafil increases blood flow to the penis. Its action is similar to that of sildenafil, or Viagra, but Viagra lasts between 2 and 4 hours, while Levitra lasts 4 hours.

The blood vessels that supply the penis with blood expand, or dilate, and the vessels that take blood away from the penis contract. The two large chambers in the penis, known as the corpus cavernosa, fill with blood. Vardenafil belongs to a class of drugs called phosphodiesterase type-5 (PDE5) inhibitors. A PDE5 inhibitor stops PDE5 from constricting the arteries. You can also buy Levitra online right here from our pharmacy.
